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Add your App Information (Google)

Set up your Google Play Store page automatically

Updated over 10 months ago

Submitting Your Apps for Review

Your mobile apps require similar, but slightly different, information to be submitted before your app can be released in the store. You'll need to complete each of the forms before you can submit your apps for review, this includes user-facing information that appears in the stores such as your App Name and Description, as well as supporting information about your content and data policies.

Many of your responses will appear directly on your Play Store listing. Please read this article from Google before submitting the App Information to prevent delays to your app release.

Basic Information

Your store listing is the first impression customers will have of your app. It is important to make sure it contains as much relevant information about it as possible, including the app name, description, and images. The more details you can provide, the easier it will be for users to understand the purpose and features of your app.

App Name

Your App Name (1) is an important part of your App Store listing. It should accurately reflect the purpose and theme of your app, and it should be easy to remember. It should also be no more than 30 characters and follow the Play Store guidelines for naming.

The App Name does not have to be the same in both stores, but we'd strongly recommend it for consistency.

Top Tip

Search your desired app name in the app stores before submitting your App Information form, this will help you plan alternative names and avoid delays to releasing your app. Try to avoid single words, instead adding additional words depending on your use case e.g. Courses, TV, Inc etc...

Short description

For the Short description (2), you can write up to 80 characters. We recommend you use a few words to describe your app as simply as possible. Users can expand the short description to view the full description.

A screenshot of the pawsome app listing in the play store, the name of the app is displayed at the top, while the short description is towards the bottom of the listing and can be opened to reveal the description


The App Description is a detailed explanation of your app and its features. It should provide all of the information a user needs to know about your app before they decide to download it. This should include information such as the user's expected experience with the app and your content.

The description appears above your image assets in the store, so this is the part to really sell the app with some impressive copy. The description is limited to 4,000 characters.

Screenshot of the description in the store, the full description page includes a much longer description of the app's content and functionality. Beneath this a section "What's new" covers release notes from an update, below that is a PEGI 3 rating.

Category and Tags


The category helps identify the kind of app you're providing in the Play Store. You can only select one category, so choose the one most appropriate for your app from the list. The category appears next to your listing in the search results.

The category is displayed in the play store underneath the app name in the search results


Tags help users find your app when searching in the Play Store. Choose up to 5 from the list. Keywords are not displayed in the store.

YouTube Video

Promote your app with a video by entering a YouTube URL. This video must be public or unlisted, ads must be turned off, it must not be age restricted, and it should be landscape.


The Play Store requires the following links:

  • A Support URL - this is for contacting about issues related to your app. We recommend keeping the default

  • Marketing URL - you can change this to your SupaPass or main website

  • Privacy policy URL - this defaults to the SupaPass user terms, we recommend keeping this default.

Publishing Rights

Google requires you to answer the questions about publishing rights. It's important to only upload content to SupaPass that you have the rights to distribute.

Notable person or organization

Are you a notable individual or brand? A notable individual or brand is a person/organization in the public eye that may require additional authentication to prove that this is their app. If you have a Wikipedia page you probably qualify as notable. Please contact us if you think this applies to you!

3rd Party material

Your app will either contain entirely original material or contain some 3rd party material that you've licensed. You may be asked to provide supporting information to prove that your have ownership of the content or have licensed it appropriately.


The name of the entity that owns the exclusive rights to your app, displayed towards the bottom of your app listing. This could be your name, or your company name, preceded by the year obtained.

e.g. © 2023 Example Inc.

Content Rating

Answer some questions about the content in your app, this will help inform the age rating of your app.

Apps that could be targeted towards children may take longer to review. Please contact us if your content could be appeal to children.

Target Age Group

The Age Rating for your app is determined by your content, but you can choose to target an older age group. If you select an age group lower than allowed by your Content Rating we'll submit with the next acceptable target age group.

News apps

Is your app a news app? If so, please answer yes and we'll be in touch with additional questions.

Government apps

Is your app developed by or on behalf of a government? For example, a national health, city parking, or state licensing app? If so, please answer yes and we'll be in touch with additional questions.

Remember to click save!

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