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Verify your Google Developer account

Complete the verification process for your Google Developer account

Updated over 3 months ago

Why you need to verify

In July 2023, Google announced new verification requirements for anyone creating new Play Console developer accounts, with the aim of boosting trust and transparency on Google Play, and ensuring that developers comply with the updated Play Console requirements policy.

When do I need to verify my account?

New accounts

If you created an account after September 2023, verification should be the next step in your registration journey and should be completed as soon as possible. First, follow our guide to registering for the Google Play Store, and then proceed to complete the verification process outlined in this article from Google.

If you are registering an account as part of an organization, you can use this comprehensive guide put together by Google

Existing accounts

If you already have an account created before September 2023, you will need to choose a verification window for verifying your account. The deadline window allows you to complete the verification process up to 60 days before the chosen deadline, for example if your selected deadline is August 19th 2024 you will be able to complete the verification process from June 20th 2024.


Accounts that are not verified before the deadline will be removed from the Play Store. Therefore, it is very important that you complete verification before the deadline.

Begin verifying your account

To begin the process of verifying your account, login to the Google Play Console and then click 'Get started' in the account verification box.

Choose your account type

You account will need to be one of two types:

  1. Personal account - This is for personal use and should be chosen if you do not operate a registered business or organization. You can still earn money using a personal account. If you are a Sole trader you should choose this account type.

  2. Organizational account - This is for registered organizations and businesses. If you have previously created an Google Developer Organization account this is what you should choose.

If you are registering an account as part of an organization, you can use this comprehensive guide put together by Google

Completing as an Organization account

  1. For the question ‘Does your organization have a D-U-N-S number?’ Answer yes and add your DUNS number.

    Read this article from Google for help finding your number, this will be the same process used to find your DUNS number when registering for an Apple Developer Organization Account.

    If you do not have a DUNS number, you can apply for one. Applications can take up to 30 days, but may allow you to verify ahead of the deadline and with fewer details so we would strongly recommend completing this. The same DUNS number can also be used to apply for an Apple Developer Organization Account.

  2. Select the country or region your organization is registered in and then click Next.

  3. Read through the stages for what happens next. You will be sent reminders, but we also recommend diarizing the date that the account verification will become available and the deadline as failure to complete verification will result in your developer profile and apps being removed from Google Play.

    In this example the date to start account verifications (1) is June 20, 2024, and the deadline for verification (2) is August 19, 2024.

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