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Creating YouTube content

Creating YouTube content is just like creating video content with a couple of extra steps.

Updated over a year ago

When creating video content you can either upload files to your media library or use a YouTube video. Creating YouTube content is just like creating video content, but you'll need to find the YouTube video ID. Follow the steps below:

  1. From the left menu, select 'Content Layout'.

  2. In the video section, open a List to add the video to and click 'Create New Video'.

  3. In another tab, find the YouTube video you want to use and copy the video ID. You can find the video ID in one of two ways:

    1. By copying the portion of the URL after /watch?v=

    2. Clicking the share button and copying the portion between .be/ and ? . Make sure not to include the time stamp so that your video starts at the beginning.

  4. Paste the ID you copied into the YouTube Video ID field.

  5. Complete the rest of the content form, just like you would with any other video content.


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