What data can I send via Zapier?

Data is King. "Content is King" opined Bill Gates in 1996 and it's probably even more true today,

Updated over a week ago

Data is King

"Content is King" opined Bill Gates in 1996 and it's probably even more true today, though as success becomes more determined by good data and what you do with it the adage has morphed to "Data is King". We allow you to share data between SupaPass and other services using Zapier, a 3rd party integration service.

What data do I have access to?

Our integration with Zapier focuses on exporting user data to Customer Relationship Management software, or CRM for short. You can also export sales and activity data to csv for analysis with your preferred software.

What data can I send via Zapier?

The data that can be sent by our Zapier integration is listed in the tables below. The information that can be sent varies depending on the CRM you choose, we've made a series of articles highlighting how to set up Zaps for the most popular CRMs, plus a general guide that can be used for most CRMs.


Unsure if your CRM will be supported? Contact us with your questions!

User information




Usernames are optional for accounts, but are required for making comments.

Email Address

The email address of the user.

First Name

First name of the user, optional.

Last Name

Last name of the user, optional.

Oped In To Marketing

True or False, this is important to segment your audience between users that have agreed to marketing and those that should only be contacted for legitimate purposes e.g. major account changes.

User Id

The internal User Id, this is generated by SupaPass and can be used to find users in the dashboard or as an email insert in some CRMs.

Subscription information



Product Name

The name of the product subscribed to.

Email address

The email address of the user.

Subscription Id

The internal Subscription Id, this is generated by SupaPass and can be used to find subscriptions in the dashboard or as an email insert in some CRMs.

User Id

The internal User Id, this is generated by SupaPass and can be used to find users in the dashboard or as an email insert in some CRMs.

Coupon Code

Any codes used by the user for free subscriptions or discounted access. Keep track and re-target groups of users by previous coupon use.

Free Trial

Will show free trial status as True or False.


The amount paid per month/year by the subscriber.


The currency used for the purchase e.g. USD.

Payment Provider

Indicates where the purchase was made (Apple, Google or Stripe), so you can segment by point of origin e.g. mobile subscribers

Pricing Plan Id

A combination of Product Name, Interval, Currency and Revision number. You can use this this to target highly specific groups of subscribers, for example subscribers that are still paying for an old pricing plan that has since been retired.

Subscription Renewal Interval

The interval at which a subscription renews: M - Monthly, Y - Yearly, O - One Time Purchase.

Removing Data via Zapier

Removing data can be just as important as adding it. We can handle data deletion requests for SupaPass accounts and you can create Zaps to automatically delete users from some CRMs at the same time. You can find out more by searching for your CRM of choice or consulting the general CRM deletion article. If you can't find your CRM, please contact us so that we can help you set up this important Zap.

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