Connecting Zapier to SupaPass

🚀 Automatically update your other platforms from SupaPass to save you time.

Updated over a week ago

🚀 Automatically update your other platforms from SupaPass to save you time

Here you can learn how to:

  • Register for a Zapier account

  • Connect your Zapier account to your SupaPass admin dashboard

  • If you're looking for how to set up the most common zaps, you may want to check out this article.

Registering for Zapier

SupaPass uses our own custom integration with the popular third-party platform, Zapier, to help you update and manage your email lists in supported, common CRMs (e.g. Mailchimp, Drip).

If you do not already have a Zapier account, first head over to and register for an account. You can try Zapier on a free-tier, but there are limits to the number of “Zaps” (data transfers) you can make per month - if you’re growing your user base at the rate we hope you are then you’ll probably need to join a paid tier.

Connecting SupaPass to Zapier

Once you've signed up, login to your Zapier account Dashboard to start creating your first workflow. In the first field 'Connect this app' type in SupaPass to find our integration, then in the second field type in the name of the CRM you wish to connect, e.g. Mailchimp.

You will be prompted to select a “Trigger” from the available list of SupaPass triggers, and then connect this to an “Action” from Mailchimp’s available list of Actions. A “Trigger” is simply an event that, when it occurs, sends the relevant data through to whatever receiver (the “Action”) that can then handle that data/event for you.

For example, select “New User” as the SupaPass Trigger. This will fire every time a new user signs up to your SupaPass app. Then select the Mailchimp Action “Add/UpdateSubscriber” and click try it.

This will take you through to Zapier’s “Zap editor” screen. Here you will be prompted to sign into your SupaPass account to connect the Supapass-Zapier integration.

Clicking on it will open up a pop-out window (if you do not see the window shown below make sure the pop-up window is not blocked by your browser settings).

Follow the on-screen instructions to add your Zapier API key. You can find the key in your SupaPass account dashboard under 'Integrations' and copy the API key.

Paste it into the box in the window shown above and click “Yes, Continue”. This API key provides a secure connection to your SupaPass account. Now you can start creating “Zaps” - connections between Triggers and Actions that allow you to connect your SupaPass account to other third-party applications in many powerful ways. We are adding new features/Zap integrations continuously - so keep checking the SupaPass newsletters or playing around in Zapier from time to time to see what’s new!.

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